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The Hingmy - Power Tools & Woodworking

How to deal with your Man's Tool Addiction
by Lorenz Prem on 07-08-2013 12:45 pm

The garages and junk drawers of America are fullof tools that rarely get used. Many a spouse wonders why theirsignificant other keeps insisting on buying yet more toolsseemingly to just put them into storage next to the ones that camebefore.

At first glance this behavior seems outright mad. Upon closerinspection, however, it turns out that excessive tool hoarding is asimple shopping addiction.

Understand what is happening

We all enjoy shopping. We just like to buy different things.Cars, clothes, boat

Black&Decker AD600 Screwdriver Review
by Lorenz Prem on 07-03-2013 12:12 pm

A friend of the site generously provided us witha Black&Decker AD600 screwdriver for testing. While this is nota tool we tool fanatics normally go for, it is a tool a lot ofshoppers purchase when they find it in a department store. Neverwanting to prejudge, we put the AD600 through our drill/drivertests in our shop. Let's take a look at what four AA batteries cando facing an industry dominated by Lithium-Ion power cells.

The Black&Decker AD600 Screwdriver

The AD600 is a traditional pistol grip drill with a padd

Milwaukee 5615-24 Plunge Router Review
by Lorenz Prem on 07-01-2013 1:23 pm

The second part of our Milwaukee 5615 routerreview concentrates on the plunge base. Like the fixed base wetested last week, the plunge base is heavy and very well built. Thesame innovative depth adjustment feature that caused some stirs inthe fixed base review makes an appearance. So far so good. Letstake a look at what we will find upon closer inspection, shallwe?

The Fixed Base

The fixed base is part of all kit versions of the 5615. Wetested it as part of the 5615-20 Router Review. It manages toimpress with its

Milwaukee Router Kit 5615-21 Review
by Lorenz Prem on 06-23-2013 6:23 pm

Working our way through all full-sized routerswe got our hands on the 5615-21, a member of Milwaukee's premierline of routers. Judging from the size of the box it arrived in weknew we were dealing with a serious tool. The 5615-21 even comeswith a strap to keep your hand in place. Let's take a look if theBodyGrip the line is known for is worth getting excited over, or ifit is just another gimmick.

The Milwaukee 5615-21 Router

Everything about the 5615 series is heavy duty. There is metaleverywhere; sometimes too much o

Bosch 11255VSR Bulldog Hammer Drill Review
by Lorenz Prem on 06-11-2013 10:51 pm

Reviewing the most widely used tools with thebest reputation is important to us. We want to provide our readerswith a reference point they can use to make educated comparisons.In the world of hammer drills this tool is the Bosch Bulldog.You'll see it on job sites all over the world. Naturally we had tohave a look ourselves. We picked the 11255VSR, one tool in the newBulldog Extreme line, as the tool to test. Let's take a look atwhat makes a legend.

The Bosch 11255VSR Bulldog Extreme

The 11255VSR is a large size hammer

Milwaukee M12 2450-22 Cordless Driver Review
by Lorenz Prem on 06-03-2013 4:59 pm

The Milwaukee 2450 impact driver found its wayinto our shop as part of a kit that included a far more interestingtool. It's specs are equally unimpressive. The dollar amount at thebottom is what made us take note.

The 2450 is a bargain price driver from one of the big four toolmanufacturers. Always the curious kind we had to figure out whatthat actually meant. Let's take a closer look, shall we?

The 2450 Impact Driver

The 2450 is a medium duty impact driver that uses the Milwaukee12V battery syste

Bosch RS7 Reciprocating Saw Review
by Lorenz Prem on 06-03-2013 12:23 pm

One of the most important aspects of reviewingtools for the community is finding tools that not only perform, butalso don't break the bank. No one wants to overpay and use anindustrial tool for a small project. The Bosch RS7 is a hotcontender for being a great steal. It comes with the Bosch name,good stats, and a very attractive price. Let's take a look at whatthe RS7 brings to the table.

The Bosch RS7 Recip Saw

The RS7 reciprocating saw is an entry-level demo saw. On thespec sheet it plays second fiddle to the full-s

Millwaukee 2420-20 Cordless Reciprocating Saw Review
by Lorenz Prem on 05-28-2013 2:58 pm

We always wanted to get a small-size cordlessreciprocating saw into our shop to find out why everyone was ravingabout this new style of tool. The Milwaukee 2420 fit the blend ofquality, performance, and value we want to see in every tool. Itwas time to get the saw into our shop. Let's take a look at whatthe Milwaukee 2420 recip saw is all about.

The Milwaukee 2420 Hackzall Reciprocating Saw

The Milwaukee 2420 is a small form factor recip saw made for useon the job site by plumbers and electricians. In a scenariowhere

Code Check Plumbing and Mechanical 4th Edition - Book Review
by Lorenz Prem on 05-25-2013 11:45 pm

The most important step of every DIY project isgetting the design right. No amount of craftsmanship will make apoorly design system work. I purchased "Code Check Plumbing andMechanical" to help me with all my plumbing projects. It promisesto present the most important rules in the Universal Plumbing Code(UPC) and the International Residential Code (IRC) in a readableformat. Let's take a look, if this book can hold my attention longenough to teach me something.

Code Check Plumbing and Mechanical (4th Edition)

Code chec

How to take care of Lawn Mower Blades
by Lorenz Prem on 05-22-2013 9:32 pm

The blade in your lawn mower is probably notsomething you have spent a lot of time thinking about. If you wantto keep your lawn healthy, and your mower running smoothly, thereare a few things you need to consider. Let's take a look at what ittakes to keep your lawn mower blade in tip-top shape.

1) Keep your blade sharp for a healthy lawn (if you want)

Most people never replace or resharpen the blade in their lawnmower for as long as they own the mower. They figure since themower still cuts grass, there is no need to re

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Recent Reviews
"Drill/driver OK, reciprocating and circular saws are junk. No torque, circular saw won't cut thru a 2x4, reciprocating won't cut a 4x4 without bogging."
"Indeed, this one is the best 12V driver. Get it. You will not be disappointed."
"I use this one for heavy work. It can do it all. None better."
"Love this Router"
"Great driver with only minor issues. App is limited. The last gen is almost as good, yet a lot cheaper."
"This saw replaced a Delta Unisaw in my shop. It's rock solid, powerful, and well made. Fence rivals Biesemeyer or Unifence. Worth the price, IMHO."
"Excellent performance but tough to use at high speed with soft wood, tends to drive too deep before impact kicks in."
"This is my only true drill. The key-less chuck works flawlessly as does the power/speed switch which is handy for drilling various density material."
"A quality sander that performs well day in and day out. Not the best dust bag, that's minor for me. Fits well in my hand and no fatigue with prolonged use."
"A good option for those looking for their first saw, or those looking to upgrade from a "portable" job site saw. Buy a decent blade and you'll be happy."