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DeWalt D28402K Grinder Review
by Lorenz Prem on 02-01-2013 10:46 pm

More power is usually a good thing. It usuallygets things done faster with more of a spectacle. What's not tolove about that. When I had the chance to review the DeWalt D28402angle grinder I jumped on it. This grinder is probably the mostpowerful grinder I can rationalize to keep around the house. Let'stake a look at just how long the spark trail of the D28402 actuallyis. This should be fun.

The DeWalt D28402 Angle Grinder

The DeWalt D28402 is a heavy-duty 4 1/2" angle grinder. It'sbeen engineered to work on tough pro

Worx WX254L SemiAutomatic Driver Review
by Lorenz Prem on 01-31-2013 2:53 pm

We here at Hingmy are just as vulnerable togadgets and cool stuff as the next person. When something is shinyand new we want to have it in our shop. The Worx WX254L screwdriverwith its semi-automatic loader caught our attention for that verysame reason. While buying power tools from a TV infomercial isusually not a good idea, we made an exception for this one. Let'stake a look at what the Worx WX254L screwdriver can do in ourshop.

The Worx WX254L Screwdriver

The Worx WX254L is a light duty screwdriver for those every-

DeWalt D26441K Palm Sander Review
by Lorenz Prem on 01-29-2013 2:13 pm

In the world of 1/4 sheet palm sanders there areonly a handful tools most woodworkers gravitate to. The DeWaltD26441 palm sander is the yellow variety in this bunch. A lot ofwoodworkers and contractors swear by this little devil. Let's takea look at how well the D26441 did in our tests.

The DeWalt D26441 Palm Sander

The D26441 is a typical 1/4 sheet palm sander. It has a rubbercovered knob handle and a very square body. A dust collection bagconnects to the oval dust port in the rear of the tool. In mostaspects DeWalt'

Hitachi G12SR3 Grinder Review
by Lorenz Prem on 01-22-2013 3:21 pm

The 4 1/2" angle grinder market is full ofmodels competing for your attention. Prices vary widely, yet allthe entries seem to look the same. This week we decided to pick agreen grinder out of the pile to review in our shop. The HitachiG12SR3 is a surprisingly cheap angle grinder that gets greatreviews all over the net. Let's take a look if the G12SR3 candeliver on its reputation in the Hingmy shop.

The Hitachi G12SR3 Angle Grinder

The G12SR3 is a small form factor 4 1/2" grinder. It is intendedfor light to medium duty

DeWalt DCD780C2 Cordless Drill Review
by Lorenz Prem on 01-21-2013 11:13 pm

Next to the established 18V line DeWalt secondsignificant battery system is the 20V MAX line. The system offerslighter, more powerful batteries on any tool that uses it. DeWalt'sentry level 20V drill/driver, the DCD780, found it's way into ourshop. It's said to be an excellent medium size drill that performslike a full sized one. Let's take a look at what a 20V drill/drivercan do.

DeWalt DCD780

The story of the DCD780 is that of a compromise between weightand performance. The designers of this drill tried to build a l

DeWalt DW849 Grinder Review
by Lorenz Prem on 01-17-2013 9:05 pm

The DW849 polisher I have used in my shop forabout 5 years now was one of the best polishers available at thetime. If you had heavy polishing work to do, the DW849 was yourbest buy. DeWalt has since upgraded this model to address a fewdesign flaws. The DW849 spawned a line of excellent yellow cladpolishers. Let's take a look at what made the DW849 such a goodpolisher.

The DW849 Polisher

The first impression one gets from the DW849 is one of heft. Themotor, metal head, and worm gear make the DW849 a very heavypolisher

How to build a Showroom Quality Shoe Rack
by Lorenz Prem on 01-12-2013 3:18 pm

The most requested item of furniture in my houseis a shoe rack. Never wanting to build just any shoe rack I didsome research to figure out what makes a shoe rack pop. What I havecome up is a plan for a showroom quality shoe rack; a rack thatfinds the perfect balance between the need for storage and the needfor presentation. Let's take a look at what it takes to build yourown showroom quality shoe rack.


As always anypiece of furniture must be designed with the userin mind. The depth and height requirements chang

Festool PS 300 EQ Jigsaw Review
by Lorenz Prem on 01-05-2013 8:10 pm

One of the capabilities missing in mywoodworking shop was that of a high quality jigsaw. The fine linesand controlled cuts a jigsaw can produce are immensely useful.Unfortunately jigsaws are also notorious for producing roughsurfaces and plenty of tear out. Only the best jigsaws are goodenough for fine woodworking.

I chose to audition one of the best, the Festool PS 300 EQ, inmy shop. This saw is supposed to be perfect for furniture building.Let's take a look at what the PS 300 EQ brings to the table.

Festool PS 3

Why pay more for Festool?
by Lorenz Prem on 01-02-2013 7:20 pm

The most expensive and exclusive toolmanufacturer on market today is the German company Festool. Theysell their tools at a significant markup compared to thecompetition. Yet the business is booming. Let's take a look at whatmakes Festool the favorite of so many carpenters andwoodworkers.

Festool is a system

Festool's main selling point is that every tool they sell ispart of the Festool system. That means that the tool will work withany of the accessories sold for it and other tools.

For example, the

How to buy Safety Glasses
by Lorenz Prem on 12-30-2012 8:52 pm

Keeping your eyes safe while working with powertools is very important. In fact, Norm Abram, the New Yankeewoodworker, always opens his show with this tip: "There is no moreimportant safety rule than to wear these, safety glasses". Everytime you pick up a power tool you should be wearing a pair ofsafety glasses. Let's take a look a how to buy safety glasses thatkeep you safe and don't get in the way.

What makes for a pair of good safety glasses

Just like any pair of glasses safety glasses have to becomfortable to wear

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Recent Reviews
"Drill/driver OK, reciprocating and circular saws are junk. No torque, circular saw won't cut thru a 2x4, reciprocating won't cut a 4x4 without bogging."
"Indeed, this one is the best 12V driver. Get it. You will not be disappointed."
"I use this one for heavy work. It can do it all. None better."
"Love this Router"
"Great driver with only minor issues. App is limited. The last gen is almost as good, yet a lot cheaper."
"This saw replaced a Delta Unisaw in my shop. It's rock solid, powerful, and well made. Fence rivals Biesemeyer or Unifence. Worth the price, IMHO."
"Excellent performance but tough to use at high speed with soft wood, tends to drive too deep before impact kicks in."
"This is my only true drill. The key-less chuck works flawlessly as does the power/speed switch which is handy for drilling various density material."
"A quality sander that performs well day in and day out. Not the best dust bag, that's minor for me. Fits well in my hand and no fatigue with prolonged use."
"A good option for those looking for their first saw, or those looking to upgrade from a "portable" job site saw. Buy a decent blade and you'll be happy."