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Bostitch BTE340K Jig Saw Review
by Lorenz Prem on 01-04-2014 9:36 pm

The difference in performance between thecheapest and the most expensive jigsaw in the market is very large.Like everyone else I am pining after the shiny high priced models.Every time a new one comes out I am hoping it will be the one thatbreaks the trend and offers affordable quality. The BTE340K is abrand new model from Bostitch and the latest jigsaw to have made itinto my woodshop. Let's take a look what the BTE340K adds to thejigsaw market.

The Bostitch BTE340K Jigsaw

The BTE340K is a powerful jigsaw designed for

Bosch IDS181-02 Impact Driver Review
by Lorenz Prem on 12-29-2013 5:46 pm

Like everyone else I am not immune from makingthe occasional impulse buy. This week I will be reviewing the BoschIDS181 cordless driver, which came in a deal I could not resist.This driver represents the value end of the spectrum in Bosch's newlineup. Let's take a look how a driver with motor brushes cancompete against the new generation of brushless power tools.

The Bosch IDS181 Impact Driver

The IDS181 is a full-size driver on the compact end of the sizescale. It forgoes a bit of motor power and speed in favor of as

Bosch L-Boxx Storage System Review
by Lorenz Prem on 12-27-2013 6:28 pm

A lot has been written about how the BoschL-Boxx system helps contractors organize their tools and move themto and from the job site. Instead of writing yet another overviewof what types you can buy, I figured I'd provide you with acritical review of how well these boxes stand up to the demands ofthe job site. Let's take a look at how the sleek looking BoschL-Boxx cases stand up to rigors of the real world.

Organization: The Main Purpose

As a system a stack of L-Boxx cases fulfills it purpose. Whenused in combination

Makita BO5041K Random Orbit Sander Review
by Lorenz Prem on 12-22-2013 2:54 pm

The Makita BO5041K caught my eye the instant Isaw it. It looks like a compact random orbit sander with a coupleof handles glued on. Since a lot of the work I do in my woodshopinvolves hours of sanding, I ordered a BO5041K for a test driver.Let's take a look at this novel design and find out if it makes theBO5041K a better compact sander.

The Makita BO5041K

The BO5041K is the top of the line 5 inch random orbit sanderfrom Makita. It blurs the line between the compact design meant tobe held from above, and the slender b

Bostitch BTE300K Circular Saw Review
by Lorenz Prem on 12-14-2013 2:46 pm

December 2013 marks the introduction of a newpower tool line from Bostitch. Not satisfied with their success inthe air tool market the company is branching out into the powertool segment.

Drawn to new stuff like moths to a flame we have a number ofBostitch tools on order. The first one to make it into our shop isthe BTE300K circular saw. Let's take a look how Bostitch's firstflurry into the power tool market turned out.

The Bostitch BTE300K Circular Saw

The Bostitch BTE300K is a professional grade

Porter Cable 330 Palm Sander Review
by Lorenz Prem on 12-08-2013 12:05 am

In the world of 1/4 sheet palm sanders thePorter Cable 330 is an anomaly. It looks different and costssignificantly more than the clones that have invested themainstream market. Needless to say, we had to find out what was up.Let's take a look at what makes the Model 330 sander different.

The Porter Cable Model 330

The Model 330's design is a departure from the generic designthat dominates the mainstream 1/4 sheet sander market. Following alegacy of several decades the designers at Porter Cable decidedagainst introduc

Dremel 4000-2/30 Die Grinder Kit Review
by Lorenz Prem on 12-01-2013 1:01 pm

Reviewing the flagship product in a company'sproduct line is always a delight. Besides having the best possiblefeatures, the flagship product also provides the best possibleperformance. In the world of Dremel rotary tools this distinctiongoes to the Dremel 4000. Let's take a look how it performs in ourshop, and if it is truly the best tool in the Dremel lineup.

The Dremel 4000

The Dremel 4000 is the top of the line rotary tool in the Dremelline. It has the most powerful motor and best variable speedcontrols of the bun

Porter Cable 382 Random Orbit Sander Review
by Lorenz Prem on 11-27-2013 12:37 pm

Having almost completed our in-depth review ofthe leading palm sanders it is time to move on to a differentcategory. The Porter Cable Model 382 kicks off our new series ofrandom orbit sander reviews. This particular model comes with thedistinction of being cheaper than most contenders in the field,while looking no different at first glance. Let's take a closerlook at how the Model 382 random orbit sander performed in ourshop.

The Porter Cable 382 Random Orbit Sander

The Model 382 is a budget random orbit sander intend

Porter Cable PCE605K Oscilliating Tool Review
by Lorenz Prem on 11-23-2013 4:55 pm

When searching the Hingmy oscillating tooldatebase the Porter Cable PCE605 comes up as an attractive option.It has all the features the competition has, yet costssignificantly less. Off course we had to find out what hides behindthe specs. Let's take a look at how the Porter Cable PCE605performed in our shop.

The Porter Cable PCE605 Oscillating Tool

The PCE605 is a full-featured corded oscillating tool designedfor home and professional use. The 3 amp motor and industrystandard 2.8 degree cutting arc ensure good perfor

Dremel 3000-2/28 Die Grinder Kit Review
by Lorenz Prem on 11-16-2013 7:21 pm

Good marketing places a company's goto productin-between a less expensive and a more expensive option. Mostconsumers will pass over the budget version and focus on theproduct in the middle. The more expensive version helps thecustomer establish a price point. In the world of Dremel rotarytools the Dremel 3000 takes the position of the goto product. Wereviewed it to help you see through all the marketing hype. Let'stake a look, if the Dremel 3000 is a good tool in its ownright.

The Dremel 3000

The Dremel 3000 is a han

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Recent Reviews
"Drill/driver OK, reciprocating and circular saws are junk. No torque, circular saw won't cut thru a 2x4, reciprocating won't cut a 4x4 without bogging."
"Indeed, this one is the best 12V driver. Get it. You will not be disappointed."
"I use this one for heavy work. It can do it all. None better."
"Love this Router"
"Great driver with only minor issues. App is limited. The last gen is almost as good, yet a lot cheaper."
"This saw replaced a Delta Unisaw in my shop. It's rock solid, powerful, and well made. Fence rivals Biesemeyer or Unifence. Worth the price, IMHO."
"Excellent performance but tough to use at high speed with soft wood, tends to drive too deep before impact kicks in."
"This is my only true drill. The key-less chuck works flawlessly as does the power/speed switch which is handy for drilling various density material."
"A quality sander that performs well day in and day out. Not the best dust bag, that's minor for me. Fits well in my hand and no fatigue with prolonged use."
"A good option for those looking for their first saw, or those looking to upgrade from a "portable" job site saw. Buy a decent blade and you'll be happy."