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02-16-2014 2:43 pm In every market segment there are tools thatcosts several times as much as the entry level version. I oftenwonder what the reason for such a steep price premium could be. Inthe world of circular saws one of these tools is the DeWalt DW364.Called "the finest circular saw you can buy" by many professionalsI have come across, it was inevitable that it would find its wayinto the Hingmy shop. Let's take a look, if the DW364 is reallythat much better than t ... 12-14-2013 2:46 pm December 2013 marks the introduction of a newpower tool line from Bostitch. Not satisfied with their success inthe air tool market the company is branching out into the powertool segment. Drawn to new stuff like moths to a flame we have a number ofBostitch tools on order. The first one to make it into our shop isthe BTE300K circular saw. Let's take a look how Bostitch's firstflurry into the power tool market turned out. ... 04-10-2013 6:53 pm The Porter Cable PC13CSL came to us heavilyrecommended by many hobbyists. It is supposed to be a greatcircular saw at an even better price. Off course talk like that gotus interested. Let's take a look if the PC13CSL is indeed as greatof a buy as people say. The Porter Cable PC13CSL Circular SawThe PC13CSL is an entry level circular saw from Porter Cable. Ithas none of the value-add features of the full-priced saws, but ... 02-12-2013 7:27 pm Like every reviewer I want to review the best ofthe best to establish. I'll claim that I do this to set areference, but it's just as much about being able to play withthose tools. In the circular saw market one of the candidates forthe top stop is the DeWalt DWS535 circular saw. This intimidatingbeast sports a lot of metal. That's just the way we like it. Let'ssee if the saw is indeed elite. The DWS535 Circular SawThe D ... 10-05-2012 12:02 pm One of the most popular entry level saws on themarket today is the Ryobi CSB132L. This saw is available almostanywhere. You can pick one up at the big box stores for very littlemoney. So little money in fact, that the CSB132L looks like a dealtoo good to be true. We know the Ryobi CSB132L is a cheap saw, but can it produce acut?. Let's take a look. Build qualityThe body of the CSB132L is made from h ... |
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