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05-04-2014 7:55 pm For this week's review I got a hold of a PorterCable Tiger Saw, the PR85TRSOK. This saw beckons potential buyerswith its low price from the shelves of home centers around the US.I bought one so you don't have to. Let's take a look at what theTiger Saw can do in the Hingmy workshop. The Porter Cable PR85TRSOK Recip SawThe PR85TRSOK, or Tiger Saw, is a general purpose recip saw fromPorter Cable. Lighter and less po ... 06-03-2013 12:23 pm One of the most important aspects of reviewingtools for the community is finding tools that not only perform, butalso don't break the bank. No one wants to overpay and use anindustrial tool for a small project. The Bosch RS7 is a hotcontender for being a great steal. It comes with the Bosch name,good stats, and a very attractive price. Let's take a look at whatthe RS7 brings to the table. The Bosch RS7 Recip SawThe RS7 ... 05-07-2013 9:25 pm DeWalt recently released a new compactreciprocating saw. The DWE357 takes the established reciprocatingsaw design and shrinks it down to 14.5" of length. With the motorinstalled at an angle this saw can go where few other saws can.Let's take a look at what the DWE357 can do and if it is a betterreciprocating saw. The DeWalt DWE357 Recip SawDeWalt created the DWE357 to fill a niche in the reciprocatingsaw market. Sometim ... 09-29-2012 10:42 pm The Milwaukee Sawzall line has built a largefollowing amongst contractors and professionals. Some say theSawzall line of saws is the best designed line of saws availabletoday. The 6509-22 is one of the smallest Sawzalls available. It hasbeen designed to emphasize control and cut quality over speed andraw power. Let's take a look at how well it did in our test. Build quality... 09-11-2012 2:16 pm The DW304PK is the smallest of DeWaltreciprocating saws. It lacks a few of the features of its biggerbrothers, but it is still a very powerful and capable reciprocatingsaw. I have the DW303, the predecessor to the DW304PK. Its nearlyidentical to the new DW304PK. Let's take a look at what makes theDW304PK work. The DesignThe DW304PK has a fixed, metal head married to a 10amp motor.It's clearly a too ... |
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