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Radial Arm Saw Product Guide

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Radial Arm Saw Guide


Radial-arm saw were once sold as the first tool every woodworker should get. They can crosscut, rip, and produce dados. They remain to be a very useful tool, but have been replaced by the table saw as the most popular woodworking tool.


Dado capcity

A radial arm saw with a dado blade is the fastest way short of a CNC machine for producing dados. Once positioned the stock never moves. Professional shops often have dedicated RA saw stations set up for this operation.

Shopping Guide

Radial-arm saws derive all their utility from their mounting mechanism. It takes great engineering and production capability to produce a radial-arm saw that will hold it's tolerances for years.

In today's market two types of saws are being sold: cheap, inaccurate ones useful for making rough cuts; and expenisve high quality machines for finish cuts. With radial-arm saws there is no substitue for metal in the mounting mechanism. Expensive saws are usually do better.

Don't discount the cheaper radial arm saws. Any radial-arm saw will crosscut stock faster than any other machine on the market. A simple saw can be set up to break stock into smaller pieces. The finish cuts can be made on the tablesaw, which would have trouble with full length boards.

Radial Arm Saws by Crosscut

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