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04-20-2014 1:54 am Makita's PJ7000 is Japan's entry in our seriesof plate joiner reviews. Besides being turquoise the PJ7000 lookslike the other competitors so far. Let's take a closer look andfigure out what the PJ7000 is all about. The Makita PJ7000 Plate JoinerThe PJ7000 is a traditional plate joiner from Makita. It wasdesigned to cut biscuits slots at an industrial pace in cabinetshops and other high-throughput environments. The ... 03-16-2014 2:05 pm I have used my trusted Porter Cable 557 platejoiner for almost a decade now. It's about time to bring in a fewchallengers and see if the old guard is still competitive intoday's market. Enter DW682K, a surprisingly affordable platejoiner from DeWalt. Let's take look, if the DW682K can challengethe reigning champ. The DeWalt DW682K Plate JoinerThe DW682K is a heavy duty plate joiner intended for productionuse ... 11-05-2012 8:52 pm Porter Cable's 557 Plate joiner has built anexcellent reputation with woodworkers in recent years. The tool isseen as the gold standard among plate joiners. Many a woodworkersings praise of this particular plate joiner in the forums.Needless to say, I was very interested in using one in my shop.Let's take a look if the Model 557 Plate joiner is all that it'smade out to be. The 577 Plate JoinerThe 557 uses the standard p ... |
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