Orbital Sander Product Guide
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10-07-2014 5:07 am At first glance the sanders in the entry-levelsegment of the 5" random orbit sander market appear to be verysimilar. All of them are roughly the same size and shape, and theirspecs do not differ all that much. Having reviewed all of them, I can tell you that they all feeldifferent when the sand paper meets the work piece. Let's take alook at the most widely used 5" random orbit sanders, and figureout ... |
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09-22-2014 6:39 am The BO5031K random orbit sander is a favoriteamong users on the internet. It seems to perform well for justabout everyone. I really liked its bigger brother, the BO5041K,when I reviewed it in my workshop. Let's take a look if the BO5031Kis the great all-rounder it is said to be, or if the voices on theinternet got this one wrong like they so often do. The Makita BO5031K Random Orbit SanderThe BO5031K is a gen ... 09-08-2014 10:59 am Another week, another sander. This week theHitachi SV13YA random orbit sander makes an appearance on theHingmy test bench. This one looks like the rest of them, exceptthat it is green. Let take a look what the SV13YA can bring to therandom orbit sander market, and if it should have a spot in yourtool chest. The Hitachi SV13YA Random Orbit SanderThe SV13YA is a 5" random orbit sander from Hitachi. It followsa ... 09-01-2014 2:26 pm In the next couple of months I am going to workmy way through a number of 5" random orbit sanders in preparationfor an upcoming "Best Of" article. This week it is the Milwaukee6021-21 random orbit sander's turn in the Hingmy workshop. Itsspecs and online reviews promise it to be a lot of sa ... 07-28-2014 3:35 pm This week the ROS20VS made an unscheduledappearance in my shop. The tool I wanted to review in its placearrived in broken condition. While that is unfortunate, it gives mechance to continue my quest to review every orbital sander on themarket today. Let's take a look at what the ROS20VS brings to the5" sander market, and figure out, if it is a good addition to yourshop. The Bosch ROS20VSK Orbital SanderThe R ... 12-22-2013 2:54 pm The Makita BO5041K caught my eye the instant Isaw it. It looks like a compact random orbit sander with a coupleof handles glued on. Since a lot of the work I do in my woodshopinvolves hours of sanding, I ordered a BO5041K for a test driver.Let's take a look at this novel design and find out if it makes theBO5041K a better compact sander. The Makita BO5041KThe BO5041K is the top of the line 5 inch random orbit sanderfrom ... |
Orbital Sander Guide |
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