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08-17-2014 5:28 pm While writing last week's article, The Best PalmSanders - 2014 Edition, I noticed I did not review Hitachi's SV12SGpalm sander. I ordered one, and it arrived just in time for thisweek's review. All my palm sander specific hopes and dreams rest onthis little green guy. Let's take a look if the Hitachi SV12SG canupset the palm sander rankings, or if it is yet another uninspiredentry. The Hitachi SV12SG Palm Sander... 07-06-2014 8:43 pm What happens when you choose to go cheap whenbuying a 1/4 sheet palm sander? I tested the Ryobi S652DK palmsander in my shop to find out. Let's take a look, if this budgetpalm sander is a viable replacement for the more expensive modelsmost of us use in our shops. The Ryobi S652DKThe S652DK is a budget 1/4 sheet palm sander from Ryobi. Sold atmany box stores it is the first palm sander many people own. Whileit ... 12-08-2013 12:05 am In the world of 1/4 sheet palm sanders thePorter Cable 330 is an anomaly. It looks different and costssignificantly more than the clones that have invested themainstream market. Needless to say, we had to find out what was up.Let's take a look at what makes the Model 330 sander different. The Porter Cable Model 330The Model 330's design is a departure from the generic designthat dominates the mainstream 1/4 sheet sander ... 07-28-2013 6:13 pm This week we finally made time to review theMilwaukee 6020 palm sander as part of our quest to review allimportant palm sanders on the market. This particular model has thedistinction of sitting at the top of the power charts. Selling atonly a slight premium we had to get it into our shop. Let's take alook, if the Milwaukee 6020 palm sander can turn its lead in thepower department into a win in the sanding performance test. The Milwaukee... 07-14-2013 3:18 pm Palm sanders are always fun to test. Thesedeceptively simple tools always manage to surprise in one way orthe other. This week we took a look at the Bosch 1297D. At firstglance it seems this model distinguishes itself with a innovativepaper retention mechanism. Experience tells us there has to more tothis sander. Let's take a look at what the Bosch 1297D is hidingbelow that dark blue plastic shell. The Bosch 1297D Sander... |
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