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Stroke Sander Product Guide

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Stroke Sander Guide


Stroke sanders allow rapid sanding of small areas. The movable platen produces a flat finish in the area the sanding operation takes place.

Shopping Guide

Stroke sanders excel at finishing door panels and other parts needed for cabinet construction. The movable table and snading head allow the operator to position the workpiece with ease and finish an entire panel in one go.

Sanding the joints where rails and stiles meet on a cabinet door is the most common operation for a stroke sander. The long sanding belt moving at high speed combined with the perfectly flat platen make the stroke sander perfrom this operation faster than any other machine available.

Achieving a perfect finish with a stroke sander can be difficult. The belt does not oscillate. The workpiece gets sanded in only one direction, which can cause ridges to appear.

Production woodshops use stroke sanders for rough sanding of problem areas. Finish sanding is done on a large belt sander.

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