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Guide to making edits

Making edits is easy. If you want guidelines, these three define what a great post on Hingmy is all about.

  • Provide facts, not opinions
  • Be truthful
  • Don't plagiarize

Wiki Edits

When you are contributing to Hingmy take some time to understand what page you are editing. Match your edit to the type of content you, as a reader, would expect.

For example, a product guide should contain information. Personal opinions belong in forum thread.

  • It's OK to try; and actually hard to get wrong

    Go ahead, make an edit. You won't get banned, if you make a mistake. Chances are you won't get things wrong anyways.

  • Provide facts, not opinions.

    Don't do: I think tablesaw 123X's table is too small!

    Instead do: Tablesaw 123X's table is smaller than that of most tablesaws.

  • Don't write content that will be out of data soon

    Don't do: The 123X tablsaw has the largest blade size in the market.

    Instead do: Blade size is an improtant attribute of tablesaws.

  • Use good spelling and grammar

    We all want our pages to be as readable as possible. Slang and l33t speak don't help with that.

  • Don't plagiarize; create instead!

    How would you feel if someone took your work and reposted it on their website? Respect the author and create your own content.

  • Don't preach, inform instead

    Don't do: We all know how important it is for a tablesaw to be heavy.

    Instead do: In general, heavy machines dampen motor vibrations better than lighter machines.

Property Edits

Properties, more than anything on this site, are about accuracy. Good data helps everyone.

  • Don't guess

    We all want accurate data. Get your data from the manufacturer or measure the machine yourself.