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Cabinet Door Calculator Update - Version 1.1

by Lorenz Prem
published on November 12 2012 5:23 pm

The cabinet door calculator has been a popular feature on Hingmy since its creation. While it was undoubtedly useful, version 1.0 only supported a single doors with a single panel.

Getting ready for my kitchen and bathroom builds I decided to upgrade the cabinet door calculator. The new version is more versatile and easier to use. The new help system makes it easier to understand what the calculator is actually doing.

New features

  • Start with the opening: Version 1.0 of the calculator used the dimensions of the door as the primary inputs. This required the user to calculate the door size himself. The new calculator does all its work based on the dimensions of the cabinet opening the door will cover. Not only does this change make things easier for the user, it also allows the calculator to produce doors of different styles.
  • Single and double doors: Switching from a single door to a set of double doors is done with a simple selection. The calculator automatically produces the correct measurements, and sets the required parts in the cut list.
  • Variable Overlay: The Overlay parameter was absent in version 1.0. The user had to dimension the door manually. In the new version the overlay is a fully configurable parameter. The calculator can produce a door that fits exactly over the opening, or one with an arbitrary overlay.
  • Multi-Panel Door: Probably the most useful feature of the new calculator is its ability to produce doors with an arbitrary number of panels; both in the vertical and horizontal direction. Enter the number of panel rows and columns your doors will have, and the calculator produces the correct parts. The cut list includes all required parts, including any vertical or horizontal mullions.
  • Detailed Help: To make things easier for new users the calculator now has a detailed help system. Each input parameter is explained in a diagram. A short description explains how the parameter effects the output.
  • Automatic fraction conversion: Starting with this version the calculator automatically converts fractions into their decimal form. This makes for faster, less error prone input of the starting parameters.
  • Part quantities: With the inclusion of double doors the calculator needed to include part quantities in the cut list. The output of the calculator now truly is a todo list for the shop.

With version V1.1 the cabinet calculator has become more powerful than ever. I think it is a useful tool for any cabinet builder who does not want to use professional cabinet building software. Let me know how you like it.

About the Author
"Lorenz is the founder of Hingmy. When he is not reviewing power tools or improving the site, he is building things in his workshop or playing hockey."