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Cabinet Calculator

Simple cabinets made easy

by Lorenz Prem
published on January 9 2010 11:32 pm

Solid plywood cabinets start with a good solid box. The kitchen cabinets sold in most stores these days light materials. The top and the back are often replaced with bracing to keep costs down. A quality cabinet makes none of these compromises.

The structure of the cabinet is nothing more than a box the face frame is attached to. The sides, the bottom, and the top have a dado slot that accepts the back. The whole assembly is held together with glue and nails/screws.

The woodworking challenges are getting the dimensions right, and cutting straight and true. While I can't guide your hand, I can help with measuring. This calculator will help you get your cutlist together.

About the Author
"Lorenz is the founder of Hingmy. When he is not reviewing power tools or improving the site, he is building things in his workshop or playing hockey."